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《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第一教时(part b and part c)



monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, chinese, science,

computer studies.

2、能正确地理解并应用句型what day is it today ?it’s…

what lessons do you have in the … we have …

3、能用所学单词、句型问答并初步感知句型welcome back to school. nice to see you.








a. free talk


用“happy new year!’’ “welcome back to school!” “how are you?’’等日常交际用语进行问答,复习并导入新知


复习“i like english .what do you like?’’ “do you like…?’’ “how about you?’’等所学句型,渗透新知

3.present “science,social science, pe, computer studies’’


例如: i like science. what subject do you like? oh you like art. me,too. how about you/ and you? …


b. presentation and practice

1.learn “monday”

教师自由谈话引出,例如:oh, someone likes pe, but someone likes english…today is “monday”(出示自制课表),师重复该单词,生静听、模仿跟读。延续以上对话,引出:“what lessons do we have today? ”


2.present “what lessons do we have in the morning?”

引导学生用“we have┅”回答




3.learn “tuesday, wednesday…friday”

方法:渗透新句型“what day is it today? it’s…”

例如:what day is it today?

it’s thursday.

为避免单词教法的重复,在新单词的引入时还可以用让学生试读的方法,单词的拼读可通过竞赛、游戏等方法以激发学生的兴趣。同时也可加入本课所学的句型“what lessons do we have in the morning?” “we have┅”,使对话的情景更为真实,也起到了复习的作用。

c. practice


a:what day is it today?

b: it’s thursday.

a: what lessons do you have in the morning?

b: we have┅

b: what day is it today?

c: it’s friday.


2) 师利用投影进行有意义的操练,图文结合。


d、assign homework




《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第二教时(read and say 和part f)



2、能正确地听、说、读写单词a subject. interesting, a week 和句型what subjects do you like ? i like…

3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语nice to see you. i hape we have more. how about you?










1.play a game: “反口令”游戏

2.free talk.

a: i have a … what do you have?

b:i have a …

a:i like going sopping. what do you like?

c:i like …

a:i often going shopping on sundays. is it sunday today?

ss:no,it isn’t. it’s monday.


a: what day is it ?

b: it’s …

4. sing a song 生初步感知、熟悉歌词及旋律。


1.教学句型“what subjects do you like?” “i like…”

(由对话自然引出)t: we are having an engilsh lesson. do you like english?

ss: yes, …/no, …(师帮助学生回答)

t: what subjects do you like?(生跟读,出示板书)

s1:i like …(师作提示)

2.teach: how about you?

师指明一名学生:how about you? 生自然地理解并作答,师可稍作提示“i like…”





4.learn “interesting”

1).教师可由以上的对话what subjects do you like? do you like pe?生回答yes, i do.师可引入yes, it’s interesting.


2).say a rhyme

根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述i like …,it’s interesting .一方面训练 interesting,同时也复习前面所学各种科目的单词。师总结出rhyme.

english, english, a, b, c.

maths, maths, one, two, three.

chinese, chinese, write and read.

art, art, draw and sing.

pe, pe, run and swim.

c.listen, read and say.

1.present “i hope we have more ” “a week”

(师述引出)i like pe, do you like pe? who like pe, please hands up. but we have only two in a week. i hope we have more.

单词week让学生多听几遍,读音可与 “need”比较读。也可提问:how many days are there in a week? 检查学生理解程度。在引入i hope we have more 后可改动课表, 如增加二节课,帮助学生理解。单词和句型的读应放在听清发音之后。

2.listen and answer


1).what day is it today?

2).what lessons do they have in the morning?


what do su hai and su yang like? su hai likes and su yang likes .

3.read the text by yourselves then together.

4.read in roles

d. practice

1.look ask and answer

2.do a survey






《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第三教时(part d, e, f and part g, h)














a: sing a song

1.listen to the tape


2.sing after the tape

b: free talk and revision

t:good morning, class. nice to see you.

ss: nice to see you.

t: i like running on sunday morning. do you like running?

s1:yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

t: he likes pe, so he likes running.

what subject do you like?

s2: i like science.

t: how many science lessons do you have in a week?

s2: we have two. i hope we have more.

t: excuse me .do you have science today?

what day is it today?

ss: it’s friday.

t: what lesson do you have in the afternoon?



4.利用挂图,操练句型 “what subject do you like ?”

i like … how about you?

i like …


c: look and read.


2.学习单词“trick” “minus”, 生猜其意并试读。



例如:i like maths very much. it’s┅

what’s 654 minus 456?

it’s ┅

d: design a timetable


how many subject do you have this morning?

we have ┅

how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?

we have ┅

what subject do you like?

i like┅

what lesson do you have on wednesday?

we have┅

2. make a new dialogue in pairs.

3. action.

4. design a timetable you like.




s1: today is ┅

the first lesson is┅

t: do you have any questions to ask?

s2:what subject do you like?

s1:i like ┅

s3:do you ┅

e: listen and repeat.



3.read after the tape.

4.归纳出clock, coffee, doctor,hot的共同音标,后出示图,师生共同看图说话:the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.

f. homework


2.能熟读并会表演read and act .




Oxford English 7A牛津英语7A教案交流

Oxford English 7A, Module 3 Unit 3 ( Page 53 of Sea water and rain water)

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. To develop the students’ abilities of listening, reading, writing and


2. To further understand the importance of saving water and arouse their

awareness of saving water

Language focus:

1. Asking “How” questions to find out means

2. Using connectives to express conditions

3. Further understanding of the importance of saving water


1. Student’s book 7A

2. A computer

3. Forms copied for each student

4. Several pieces of paper for making posters

Teaching procedure:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Review an English poem: Water

2. A dialogue about the knowledge of water given by the students on duty.

Raise questions and answer these questions about it . ( students vs.

students activity)


3. Review the usage of the water

Ask students to name as much ways of using water as they can.

Have a group competition.


4. Ask the students to think about the following question, “What will

happen if there is no water?” Show a set of pictures of water shortage and

ask them to identify them. Encourage them to say more .

( 在此,提出了一个假设,请同学们设想一下没有水的生活。从另一个层面肯定水的重要性,并引出课文。)

While-task procedure:

Introduce the new dialogue:

1. Students watch the slides and listen to the recording, “Think and Say”


2. Ask them to answer the questions they have heard from the tape.

3. Students listen again and repeat.

4. Students read the dialogue with their partners.


5. Show more pictures of saving water and ask the students to use the

sentences they’ve learned to talk about them.

----How can we save water?

----We can save water by (not)…

Students do pair work.


6. Students look at the picture of a house in which people are using water

in different ways and listen to the tape . Then ask them to identify which

actions are wrong and give their reasons.



Post-task activities:

1. Divide the class into groups of four. Students make some short plays

about saving water.

2.Invite several groups to act at the front and ask students to give

conclusions after each performance.



3.Distribute a form to each student , “How can we save water?” Ask

students to finish them. Invite a

more able student to come to the front to complete it .


4. Distribute a piece of paper to each group of four and ask them to

design posters.

5. Invite the students to introduce their posters at the front and put

their posters on the blackboard .



Ask each student to do a survey among his neighbors.Try to find out how

they use water every day and what they can do to save water and write a

report .



(区教研所 张 红)

Oxford English 7A, Module 3 Unit 4 ( Forests and Land )Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. To develop the students’ abilities of listening, reading, writing and


2. To further understand the importance of protecting the forests and

arouse their awareness of protecting the forests

Language focus:

1. Using adjectives to describe objects

2. Using “Wh-” questions to find out specific information about an object

Teaching procedure:

Pre-task preparation:

1. Review the words and “Look and read” on page 56.

2. Introduce new words.

While-task procedure:

1. Organize a game .

2. Let the students watch a video.

3. Play the recording : Play a game . Students listen and follow in their


4. Tell them to compare things which are made of different materials to

elicit: prefer .

Post-task activities:

1. Students make short dialogues.

2. Conduct an activity: the best salesman.

3. Ask students to discuss how to protect the environment .


Complete the report .

Oxford English 7A,Module 4 Unit 1 ( Visiting Relatives )

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

In this lesson,train students’ capability of Research-orientated

learning,Cooperative learning and Independent learning.

Teaching focus:

1. Asking “How” questions to find out the length of a period of time

2. Asking “How” questions to find out price

3. Learning how to describe places

4. Learning how to get information and compare it

Teaching Materials:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. A computer

Teaching Procedure:


1.Conduct a short play between Mr. Li and Kitty. Then ask the questions.

T: “Why hasn’t Mr. Li decided?”

S: “Maybe he wants to know the price and the length of time.”

(Aim: Present the structures.Students find Mr. Li hasn’t decided whether

to go to Beijing.Then according to their experience of traveling , they

can use the structures “How long does it take…”and“How much does it cost?”

to ask for the length of a period of time and price.)

2. Have a competition

They ask and answer the questions . The one gets the nearest answer, his

or her group will win.

(Aim: To consolidate the structures by guessing the price and time . )

3. Learn the text

(1)Talk about how to get information.

S : “From books,magazines,newspapers,other people,computers etc.”

(2) Let students read the first part of the text after the tape.

(3) Let students make dialogues to complete the second part of the text .

( Aim: To practise the capability of cooperation. )

II. While-task

1. Have students talk about the scenes in Beijing by using the key words.

( Aim: To learn how to describe places and to pave for further exercise .


2. Have students introduce some new travel routes .

They should search for information before class by themselves.Then one

acts as an agent, others

ask for information about traveling .

( Aim: First it can practise the capability of Independent learning and

Research Oriented learning. Second by asking and answering,students

consolidate their knowledge and spread the limits of knowledge. It also

trains their capability of Cooperation learning. )

III. Post-task

1. Have a discussion.

And tell “ Where would you like to visit and why ?”

(Aim: To compare information and make conclusions.)

2. Let students design holiday plans.

(Aim: To practise the capability of writing.)

A Holiday Plan I will go to ______by ________ . It costs me _______ yuan .

I will set off on _______ and come back on________ .(date) I will visit

______,_______,…. and ________ .

3. Express their feeling after traveling.

T: “ There’re many beautiful places in our country. After traveling,what

do you think of our motherland?”

S: “It’s beautiful/wonderful/great.It’s becoming more and more

modern/stronger .”

(Aim: To arouse students’ feeling of loving motherland.)

4. Make a conclusion of this lesson.

Functions: how to get information,how to compare it,how to describe


IV. Homework

Design a tourist guide for foreigners.

(Aim: to use knowledge comprehensively. To practise the capability of

Independent learning and Research-oriental learning .)

(区教研所 张 红)

Oxford English 7A, Module 4 Unit 2 (Our animal friends)

Teaching Plan

Language focus:

1. Learn new word & expressions

2. Text-learning

3. Using the simple present tense to express preferences


Students’ Book 7A page 67

A cassette player, a slide projector

Different kinds of things

Teaching procedure:


Let’s sing a song to relax.


III.Students’ report

Today our topic is “Our animal friends”.

First, let’s watch a short play by students .

IV. Presentation

Thank you.

In their short play , we know animals are very lovely. They are our good

friends. So I think most of people like animals, especially you, children

. Do you have good animal friends? You bring them here . Would you please

show us your animal friends? Please take out and try to introduce your

pets. Like this:

1. Do you have a pet at home?

2. What’s it?

3. What’s his/her name?

4. What colour is he/she?

5. How/Where did you get him/her?

Now discuss with your deskmates, I’ll ask some of you to try O.K.?

(Then ask 6 students to introduce.)

All of your pets are nice. But I prefer puppies.

To S1: Which animal do you like ?

S1: I like…

Oh, he/ she prefers… And how about you ? ( To S2 )

S2: I like/ prefer…

Oh, he prefers… Now look at this expression:

----Which one do you like ?

---- I prefer…

Read after me. ( practise )

---- Which food do you like?

---- Which fruit do you like ?

---- Which city do you like ?

Practise this expression in pairs.

Now,do you know which pet Kitty and Ben prefer. Let’s learn Sam’s story.

Look at some new words first. ( Show a brochure.)

This is a travel brochure/ a computer brochure. We can also say a travel

booklet. ( Show slide )

Read after me .( Show a picture.)

Who is he ? He’s an inspector. A person whose job is to exam or check


(Show word: inspector. Read) / ( Show another picture. )

What can you see in the picture? It’s a home for dogs. It’ s a kennel. (

Show word: kennel.Read)

I’ll tell you Sam is at the SPCA kennels. What is SPCA.

( Show slide: SPCA: Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.)

Read after me. It means an organization which protects animals from danger


Let’s read all new words.

V. Text-learning

Then let’s come to our text. First, listen to the text, don’t look at your

books. Then try to answer some questions about the text . So listen


(1) Is dog’s name Simon?

(2) Did Ben and Kitty first meet Sam in the pet shop?

(3) Does Kitty prefer the black and white one best ?

(4) Do they want the light brown one ?

(5) What’s the dog’s name ?

(6) Where did they first meet Sam ?

(7) Which pet does Ben prefer?

(8) Which one do they choose finally?

(9) What must Ben and Kitty do if Sam is sick?

All right. Open your books to page 67. Read after the tape sentence by

sentence. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

Then you practise the text by groups in roles. Try to imitate as possible

as you can.

VI. Consolidation

From the text , we know Kitty and Ben love Sam very much. They take good

care of him. They are so kind to animals. But nowadays, a lot of people

are cruel to animals. A large number of animals are killed by people. Even

some rare animals have disappeared from the earth. It is a sad story. So

we must protect animals and protect environment .

Do you agree ? ( Yes. )

According to this situation. I ask you to discuss in groups and give us

your stories about this topic.

Please prepare for a while. I’ll play the music. The music stops, you


VII. Summary and assignment

In this class, we learn Sam’s story and we know animals are our good

friends. We should be kind to them. We also learn some new words and


Today’s homework:

1. Copy the new words. 2. Recite the text. 3. Complete the report on page

67 .

Comments after class

English is a useful language. It’s a useful tool. We would like our

students to use this language flexibly rather than only remembering some


According to this aim,in this lesson, my design is firstly moving from old

knowledge to new knowledge,from previous lesson to the next one.

My topic is “Our animal friends”, and children like animals. So at the

beginning of the lesson, I invite students to introduce their favourite

animals. They could take their pets to the class and they showed great

interest. Next I transferred to the sentence pattern:

“ Which one do you like?”

“ I prefer….”

By asking “ Which animals do you like?”

I let students use all kinds of things they have learned to practise this

sentence pattern.

Then I came to the text-learning. I taught them new words by showing them

pictures. After that, I asked students to listen and understand the

general meaning of the text, read and imitate the pronunciation and

intonation of the tape of the text .

At last, I have the students imagine different kinds of stories, concerned

the situation nowadays that a lot of rare animals have been destroyed by

some unkind people. Let the students know we should protect animals and

natural environment .

All above is my outline of the whole class. I think students can learn

something not only inside class but also outside class. Maybe I should

continue to improve the situational teaching method .

(区教研所 张 红)

Oxford English 7A, Module 5 Unit 2 (Choosing a new flat)

(The Second Period)

Teaching Design

Language focus:

1. Asking “Wh-”questions to find out various kinds of specific information

about a person

2. Using prepositions to indicate positon and place

3. Asking “Wh-”questions to find out place


1. Student’s Book 7A page 84

2. Brochures of different estate agencies

3. A computer and a projector

4. Multimedia programmes

Teaching procedure:

Pre-task preparation

1. Sing an English song

2. Role-play the dialogue on page 83

3. Ask and answer based on the play

4. Retell the play

5. Introduce their own living condition

While-task procedure

1. Listen to Look and read once

2. Practise the patterns: What kind of flat would you like ? Where would

you like to live?

3. Listen and repeat the dialogue

4. Read the dialogue

5. Have a discussion

6. Make a dialogue

Post-task activity

Sell new flats as estate agents


Display the floor plans on the display board . Have a discussion to find

the best one, which matches the teacher’s requirements.


Oxford English 7A, Module 5 Unit 2 (Choosing a new flat)


我今天所选的课题是牛津教材 7A Module 5 Unit 2 ( Choosing a new flat


整个课时分三个部分:pre-task preparation,while-task procedure和post-task activity


在第二部分中,我先请学生听一段对话,让他们了解选房应先与房产经纪人交谈,同时也学习在选房时应考虑到哪几个方面。在提出新句型“What kind of

flat would you like?Where would you like to



整个设计分纵、横两个方面。纵向有一条主线,即: 提出住房困难---想象理想中的新房---








词汇apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写

日常交际用语Can I help you?

These or those?听得懂、会说、会读

句型What are these/ those?


How many kilos?

kilos, please.听得懂、会说、会读、会写



1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? These or those?

3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are these/those? They’re….

How many kilos? … kilos, please.



6.能有表情地流利的'诵读歌谣《I like fruit》。


本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子What are these/ those? They’re…。Book4A中已经出现What’s this/ that? It’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。

本单元主要出现了水果类单词,除lemons, strawberries, grapes三种水果是第一次出现以外,其余八种均在Book3A第三单元中出现过。教师可通过句型Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.的问答教授这三个新单词,并适当补充一些学生感兴趣的水果单词,如甘蔗(sugar cane),荔枝(lichee)等等。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。

与本单元所出现的水果类单词紧密结合的是在商店里购物的常用语Can I help you? How many kilos? These or those?等。在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如的运用这些购物的基本用语。另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些其他购物用语或让学有余力的学生课后去收集这类交际用语,以扩充他们的知识面、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。




Period 1

Teaching aims and difficulties:

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。能听得懂、会说、会读单词pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes。

2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are these/those? They’re….

3. 学会有表情的朗读歌谣《I like fruit》。




part a,b,c,e2,e3









step 1. greeting.

learn to sing the song ”a b c” together.

step 2. revision

1) have a dictation



3) game. 模仿教材e2中形式进行。句型可以略作调整。what’s this in my school bag? it’s a …


1. 四人小组进行游戏。




step 3. consolidation and practice

1. t: you did a good job. i’d like to buy a toy for my nephew. would you like to go with me? guess, what can you see in the toy shop?


2. 情境一,示范对话,并让学生跟读。

a: hello, … how are you?

b: fine, thank you. and you?

a: i’m fine , too. let’s go to the toy shop by bus.

b: ok, let’s go.

a: here we are.

b: look, what’s that on the door?

a: it’s a …

b: oh, i see. come here, … what’s this on the desk?

a: it’s a …

b: how nice!

a: a …, please.

c: ok, here you are.

3. 小组合作,看图编对话。



a: hi, my name is … what’s your name?

b: my name is …i’m an english … i’m from …

nice to meet you.

a: nice to meet you, too. excuse me, what’s this in english?

b: it’s a packet of chips. what’s this in chinese?

a: han bao.

b: oh, i see. thank you.

5. 同桌模仿例子,编新对话。(师将提供的食品图片贴在黑板上)

step 4. homework

1. 跟磁带,大声朗读本单元课文五遍。

2. 提供图片及句子,请学生给句子排序,变成对话。


1. 要在充分复习后,给学生创设表达的机会。

2. 情境创设要简洁,大情境中设置若干个小情境。

3. 运用前有示范。若学生情况好,可以逐渐放手。



part a,b,c








step 1. greeting.


step 2. revision

1) free talk


what’s this/that in english? 及其应答

2) 学习歌曲what is this in english?师示范后,学生跟唱。

3) 鼓励学生挑选喜欢的图片,小组创作新歌词,并集体演唱。

step 3. activity

1.i can draw a …跟着老师画文具类简笔画

2.listen and point.

3.listen and color.(师提供颜色,生自己涂色)

4.让学生将这些新文具摆放到合适的地方。建议:in the pencil box/desk/book; on the pencil box/desk/book等



a: come here ,…

b:all right.

a: excuse me, what’s this on your book.

b: oh, it’s my tape.

look, it’s new.

it’s green and white.

it’s from my dad.

it’s on my book now.


step 4. homework

















step 1. greeting

sing an english song.( what is this in english?)

step 2. revision

1.师提供本节课的话题“my stationery”,鼓励学生围绕此话题与教师或同学进行交谈。




3)介词in/on, 借助这两个词语,我们可以表达物品的位置。让学生举例。

4)初步掌握my/your/his/her +名词,表示某人的东西。

5)用途很广的几个交际用语: come here. excuse me. oh, i see.






1.storybook_______ 2. copybook_______ 3. knife_______

4. toy train_______ 5.tape_______ 6.stapler_______

7. school bag_______ 8. in english_______ 9. in chinese_______

10. my pen_______ 11. your ruler_______ 12. his rubber_______

13. on the bookcase_______ 14. in the school bag_______


考察book, tape, bag.(可以适当增加1-2个与它们发音类似的单词)


for example: a toy train------some toy trains




如:1. 需要打扰别人时,可以说:





建议: 对话控制在4句内,以本单元重点句型为训练重点。


1. 让复习课不要成为老师的个人演讲。不要低估学生的三言两语,耐心的引导他们学会梳理知识,培养学习能力。

2. 练习内容的设计不同考试,目的重在单元基础,不可以难、偏、怪。学生通过练习可以客观的了解知识的掌握情况,老师也可以为下面的教学找准目标。




1.知识目标: 1)Students should learn some useful words and phrases: musician, clap, passer-by, form, extra, earn, advertisement, 2 attractive, instrument, loosely, actor dream of, be honest with, play jokes on, or so, break up. 3)Students should understand the general idea of the passage 2.语言能力目标: 1)Develop the Ss’skills of skimming, scanning and careful reading. 2) Train the Ss to find the key words and the topic sentences. 3)Encourage the Ssto guess the new words according the reading. 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: 1)Encourage the Ss to share the different kinds of music. 2)Improve the cooperation and share among the students.


1、教学重点:a.To understudend the passage better b.To find the main idea of each paragraph 2、教学难点:a.Master the reading ability b.Develop the skills of reading




Step I Leading-in

播放一段小视频,内容为歌曲 If you are happy的英文版本,通过介绍演唱乐队twins引出本单元话题。随后,展示几张国内外流行乐队的图片,转入对本课阅读内容的探讨。

Step II While reading

Task I. Fast reading 快速大声阅读文章,完成练习1和2.

1. Read the passage and try to find out:

1) How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?


2) Which band is “The Band That Wasn’t”?


2.Read the passage quickly and match main ideas with paragraphs.

Para.1 How the Monkees formed the band?

Para.2 Dreaming of being famous.

Para.3 How the Monkees became popular and developed as a real band?

Para.4 The common way that bands form.

Task II. Careful reading 分段阅读。分别默读每一段,完成相应练习。

1. (Para.1) Read Para.1 carefully find out how do people form a band.

Step 1

To practice music ____________________.

Step 2

To play __________________________.

Step 3

To give performances ____________________________.

Step 6

To make records __________________.

2. (Para. 3&4) Put the following steps in the right order. 小组合作,比赛式进行。

A. Had to use actors

B. Broke up, then reunited

C. Produced their own records

D. Produced a new record

E. Relied on other musicians

F. Sang their own songs

G. To find four musicians

H. Advertised in a newspaper

I. Sang songs by others

J. Pretended to sing

The right order__________________________________3


Step I Lead in

Talk about scientist.

T: Hi, morning, class. Nice to see you on this special day, the day when you become a senior two grader. I am happy to be with you helping you with your English. Today we are to read about a certain scientist. But first let’s define the word “scientist”. What is a scientist?

A scientist is a person who works in science, trying to understand how the universe or other things work.

Scientists can work in different areas of science. Here are some examples: Those that study physics are physicists. Those that study chemistry are chemists. Those that study biology are biologists.

Step II

Ask the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most.

T: There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Can you name some of them? What kind of role do they play in the field of science? Do these achievements have anything in common? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.

1. Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC), a mathematician.

2. Charles Darwin, Britain (1808-1882). The name of the book is Origin of Species.

3. Thomas Newcomen, British (1663-1729), an inventor of steam engine.

4. Gregor Mendel, Czech, a botanist and geneticist.

5. Marie Curie, Polish and French, a chemist and physicist.

6. Thomas Edison, American, an inventor.

7. Leonardo da Vinci, Italian, an artist.

8. Sir Humphry Davy, British, an inventor and chemist.

9. Zhang Heng, ancient China, an inventor.

10. Stepper Hawking, British, a physicist.

II. Pre-reading

Step I

Get the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions.

1. What do you know about infectious diseases?

Infectious diseases can be spread to other people. They have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them. People may be exposed to infectious disease, so may animals, such as bird flu,AIDS, SARS are infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.

2. What do you know about cholera?

Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. It infects people’s intestines(肠), causing diarrhea and leg cramps (抽筋).The most common cause of cholera is by someone eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated(污染) with the bacteria. Cholera can be mild(不严重的) or even without immediate symptoms(症状), but a severe case can lead to death without immediately treatment.

3. Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?

Anybody might come out with a new idea. But how do we prove it in scientific research? There are seven stages in examining a new idea in scientific research. And they can be put in the following order. What order would you put the seven in? Just guess.

Find a problem→ Make up a question→ Think of a method→ Collect results→

Analyse the results→ Draw a conclusion→ Repeat if necessary


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